Steelers Oh Steelers

The defanding champs Pittsburgh Steelers have now lost Five straight games, most of them were to the three of the league's worst team, OAKLAND RAIDERS, KANSAS CHIEFS, and CLEVELAND BROWNS. The question right now is what is happening to one of the greatest teams in NFL. In my prespective all of the loses they had were the absence of Steelers safety, Troy Polamalu, they have lost every game he didn't attend, so you can say he is the heart of the team or basically can say the team can't do nothing with out him, if you agree or disagree with me please be free to leave me a comment.


Should undocumented people called Ilegal Aliens

I don't agree with calling undocumented people aliens, because it isn't right, it is like calling a person an animal.

Hip Hop is Dead

Back in the days when you listen to Hip Hop songs, they are about love, but all that have changed, this days people sing about girls and money only and calling girls names like "She is my B***h", you wouldn't like me to call your sister, wife, or mother so I don't know why they do that. Nas had a song called HIP HOP IS DEAD, which I agree with him.


If all African countries work together and try to make their country a better, they must improve their government, because most of the countries in Africa, there isn't freedom, because the government use their powers too much and the people don't have a voice. Countries need improvement in education, healthcare, and Jobs. If we do all that and work harder, we will no longer be called the poorest continent.

Obama vs. His haters ( As I like to say)

Obama won this year's Nobal peace prize and people are saying that he doesn't deserve which isn't true he was the first African-America persident. Some people who agree with the others who believe that he doesn't deserve it is because of the economy, it is n't his fault all that money wasted in Iraq for nothing is Bush's fault not Obama's, so leave the guy alone, he made big changes like healthcare others might disagree with me in that too.

Christmas is on the block or other people like to say x-mas is here

You could do a survey and ask people what their favorite holiday is and the answer you will get from younger kids is x-mas, and then ask them why, they would tell you, first because they get two weeks off for it and they can get gifts. I am not saying all kids like x-mas, even tough I think Every kid loves x-mas. Chirstmas should be a very good holiday for everyone, because it reunites people, it is a day where you can have fun with your family and also celebrate the birth of jesus christ.
Happy Holidays

Racism in America

In my prespective racism will never be over. There may be something going right now as you are reading, a incident which racism is involved on. What i am trying to say is that no body can't never stop racism and nobody can't, except god.


A Voicemail recorded by Tiger was released this morning December 2, 2009 telling the girl he was have an affair with to delete his number, just incase when his wife goes through his phone and find her number.